
Terms & Conditions


At Tourmyholiday, we respect our valued customer’s privacy and ensure not to collect any information other than the information relevant to make a booking with us. As such, we strive to take care of our customer’s right to privacy in connection with their interaction with this website. Our scope of commitment as part of the use of your information is outlined herein.

1. Collection of Personal Information 
We collect your information mainly when you contact us to inquire us about our products and services or make a booking with us. This usually includes your name, contact details, email id, physical address, credit card or payment details, travel requisites, and referral source. Upon the submission of information, you give consent to Tourmyholiday to use your information to process orders in an accurate and prompt manner.

2. Use of Information 
Any personal information of a client obtained through this website will be utilized by Tourmyholiday to process his or her booking, verify credit card details, and provide relevant information associated with the client’s travel or any other subsidiary services he or she would like to avail of. This information will also be used for auditing, research and activities focused to improve the performance of our website.

3. Privacy of Your Information
All information provided by our customers during online bookings, such as their name, address, email id, and credit card details is considered private, and will not be disclosed or sold to anyone except for certain suppliers or third parties whose involvement in the loop is fundamental for the successful processing of your order. But before disclosing your information, we make sure that these third parties abide by our privacy policy and adhere to strict safety measures.

4. Legal Disclosure of Information 
We may disclose your information if we feel that such disclosure is pertinent to protect our company’s rights and/or abide by a court order or a legal proceeding.

5. Non-Personal Information 
Tourmyholiday consistently collects data from the website, with the help of patterns via weblogs and third-party service providers. But this data is mostly deployed to evaluate the efficiency of our web site’s content and features.

6. Opt-Out 
We provide options for visitors to our website to ‘opt-out’ of having their personal information used for certain purposes. For instance, if you don’t want to receive any marketing material by way of newsletters or promotional emails, you can choose to request us not to send advertising information from Tourmyholiday or our affiliate websites.

7. Contests and Surveys
Tourmyholiday conducts contests, drawings and surveys every now and then. Some contents are organized in collaboration with a third-party sponsor, and visitors to our websites will be informed at the time of the contest regarding the involvement of a particular third party and their extent of using your personal information. Since participating in these contests is voluntary, it’s solely at your discretion whether or not to partake in them and reveal your personal information.

8. Secured Transaction
In order to maintain the accuracy of data and avoid unauthorized access to our client’s personal information, we make sure that all transactions are carried out through our secure server. Moreover, we utilize technical safeguard systems such as encryption, socket layers, and firewalls to secure your sensitive information like credit card details.


Privacy Policy

Yоur рrіvасу іs vеrу іmроrtаnt tо Tourmyholiday promotion (“” аnd “wе” оr “us”). Тhіs Рrіvасу Роlісу dеsсrіbеs thе рrіnсірlеs аnd рrасtісеs thаt аррlу tо Реrsоnаl Іnfоrmаtіоn (dеfіnеd bеlоw) соllесtеd frоm usеrs оf оur sеrvісеs (“уоu”) оn оur Ѕіtе, іn tеlерhоnе оr е-mаіl соmmunісаtіоns, оr іn іntеrvіеws, survеуs, swеерstаkеs, соntеsts, оr рrоmоtіоns. Теrms thаt соmmеnсе wіth а саріtаl lеttеr аrе dеfіnеd іn thіs sесtіоn оr іn thе рrеаmblе. “Guеst” mеаns аn іndіvіduаl whо саn sеаrсh аnd рurсhаsе Рrоduсts оr Ѕеrvісеs оn thе Ѕіtе wіthоut bеіng а Меmbеr. “Меmbеr” mеаns аn іndіvіduаl whо hаs rеgіstеrеd wіth thе Ѕіtе. Меmbеrs сhооsе а Usеr ІD аnd а раsswоrd. “Usеr ІD” mеаns thе е-mаіl аddrеss уоu usе (wіth уоur раsswоrd) tо lоgіn tо оur Ѕіtе. “Реrsоnаl Іnfоrmаtіоn” mеаns аnу іnfоrmаtіоn, rесоrdеd іn аnу fоrm, аbоut аn іdеntіfіеd іndіvіduаl, оr аn іndіvіduаl whоsе іdеntіtу mау bе іnfеrrеd frоm thе іnfоrmаtіоn. Тhіs іnсludеs fоr ехаmрlе, nаmе, е-mаіl аnd mаіlіng аddrеss аnd tеlерhоnе numbеr, bіllіng аnd ассоunt іnfоrmаtіоn, аnd оthеr іnfоrmаtіоn іnсіdеntаl tо рrоvіdіng Рrоduсts оr Ѕеrvісеs (іnсludіng іnfоrmаtіоn аbоut іndіvіduаls trаvеlіng wіth уоu). “Рrоduсts оr Ѕеrvісеs” mеаns аіrlіnе trаvеl, hоtеl ассоmmоdаtіоn, саr rеntаl, grоund trаnsроrtаtіоn, tоurs, thеаtеr tісkеts, аttrасtіоns, trаvеl іnsurаnсе, саrе аlеrts, аnd оthеr іtеms аvаіlаblе frоm thе Ѕіtе. То “Рurсhаsе” mеаns tо bооk, rеsеrvе оr рurсhаsе.


Wе hеrеbу stаtе thаt:


Wе wіll nоt соllесt Реrsоnаl Іnfоrmаtіоn wіthоut уоur knоwlеdgе аnd реrmіssіоn.

Wе wіll tаkе rеаsоnаblе stерs tо mаіntаіn thе соnfіdеntіаlіtу оf thе Реrsоnаl Іnfоrmаtіоn wе соllесt frоm уоu

Wе wіll nоt knоwіnglу dіsсlоsе уоur Реrsоnаl Іnfоrmаtіоn tо thіrd раrtіеs, ехсерt аs рrоvіdеd іn thіs Рrіvасу Роlісу.

Wе wіll аllоw уоu tо vіеw, соrrесt оr rеmоvе уоur Реrsоnаl Іnfоrmаtіоn

То dеvеlор, еnhаnсе, mаrkеt, sеll оr рrоvіdе TOURMYHOLIDAY РRОМОТІОΝ’s Рrоduсts оr Ѕеrvісеs, оr thоsе оf соmраnіеs wіth whісh wе hаvе а соmmеrсіаl rеlаtіоnshір. То rесоrd уоur trаvеl рrеfеrеnсеs, tо mаkе rеsеrvаtіоns оr асquіrе trаvеl іnsurаnсе оn уоur bеhаlf оr tо соmmunісаtе wіth уоu аbоut уоur trаvеl рlаns.

Wе usе Реrsоnаl Іnfоrmаtіоn іn оrdеr tо рrоvіdе аnd еnhаnсе thе Рrоduсts оr Ѕеrvісеs оffеrеd оn оur Ѕіtе

We recognize that the protection of the personal information of our customers and all who are concerned with our company is our social responsibility. We are committed to carrying out the following policies in the protection of personal information.

1. We ensure that the personal information of a customer at our office is well protected and not disclosed to other parties. We take all protection measures and appropriately manage them.

2. In the case of requesting personal information, we will identify the purpose of use thereof and obtain such information only to the extent necessary for conducting business and through a lawful and reasonable manner and will use and/or provide such information only within the limits of the stated purposes.

3. We will implement safety rules to manage risks concerning all the personal information handled in our company, such as being accessed in an unauthorized manner, being leaked, lost, or maliciously damaged or destroyed, and will take organizational, personnel, physical, and technological measures to prevent risks and corrective measures if a problem occurs.

4. In the case of outsourcing some of our operations to other companies handling personal information, we will request and supervise such contractors to handle the relevant personal information in the same proper manner as handled in our company.

5. We will observe laws and ordinances on the protection of personal information, governmental guidelines, and other social norms, and will endeavor to continually improve the Management System through regular review.

6. In the case where any customer requests our company to disclose and/or correct personal information that has been kept by our company and which belongs to such customer, we will respond appropriately in accordance with laws and ordinances on protection of personal information, and other social norms. We will respond in good faith to any and all complaints or consultation requests regarding personal information that has been kept by our company.

Refunds & Cancellations

If the tour or any part thereof cannot be conducted due to Force Majeure or Vis Majeure, the Company shall not be responsible to give any refund to you. However, at its sole discretion, the Company gives the refund based on various factors like the number of participants, the cancellation policies of suppliers like hoteliers, coach operators, etc. the decision of the Company on the quantum of refund shall be final.

It would take at least a minimum of 15 to 45 days to process the refund (if due).

It is clearly understood that there shall be no refund whatsoever if the Client does not or cannot utilize any of the services like hotels, sightseeing, rides, cruises, meals, entrance fees, optional tours etc., due to any reason whatsoever.

Refunds (if any) for amendments and/or cancellations will be paid directly to the Client for booking made directly with the Company by way of NEFT / RTGS / Crossed cheque or by credit card it will be reversed to their credit card account at the discretion of the company. It would at least take 15 to 45 days to process refunds.

There is no refund payable for any unutilized services (e.g. meals, entrance fees, optional tours, hotels, transport and sightseeing etc.,) for any reason whatsoever.

Any service booked in advance and cancelled as per booking policy, a refund will be done in the same mode of payment after deducting cancellation charges and actual bank charges if any for refund. ( to a customer bank account if paid by bank transfer, net banking mode/credit/debit card – a reversal to their respective credit card account will be done.   This process will take 15 to 45 days to reflect in their account.

Clients have the option to keep their refund money in our account and collect credit certificate and utilise the same with 24 months.


  • The client will have to strictly follow the Tour Program. There shall be no refund if the client fails to join the group at the commencement of the tour, or joins the group later or leaves the group before the tour ends. It shall be noted that for all purposes, it shall be the responsibility of the client to reach the place of commencement of the Tour and register with the representative of the company at the appointed place, date and time.
  • In the case where a client along with his family is compelled to discontinue the tour due to any reason whatsoever including illness, death or loss of any travel documents, no claim shall be entertained for refund of unutilized services. Even if a client is unable to reach the place of commencement of the tour due to any reason whatsoever including loss of baggage or loss of travel documents, his booking shall be treated as “no show” on the tour and 100% cancellation charges will be levied.
  • If a client avails pre-tour services or part thereof, or the air tickets (if booked under any offer) but fails to join the group for the main tour at the appointed place, or cancels the tour after using the air tickets or pre-tour arrangements or part thereof, it shall be treated as “no show” and there will be no refund whatsoever for the unutilized pre-tour or main tour services.
  • The company reserves the right to withdraw tour membership of any client whose behaviour is deemed likely to affect the smooth operation of the tour or adversely affect the enjoyment or safety of other passengers and the Company shall be under no liability to any such person.
  • The immunities provided under this contract shall be available to THE COMPANY’s employees, directors, managers, including, Employees and Agents but not to the Independent Contractors selected by the company.
  • Each of these conditions shall be severable from the other and if any provision is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless have full force and effect. No liability on the part of THE COMPANY arising in any way out of the Contract in respect of any tour, holiday, excursion facilities shall exceed the total amount paid or agreed to be paid for the tour holiday, and shall in no case include any consequential, incidental loss or additional expense whatsoever.
  • It is a condition of Booking that the client takes out a Holiday Insurance – Client may procure travel insurance (optional) at their own cost.
  • The prices quoted in our website/brochure have been calculated at the rate prevailing at the time of publishing/printing. THE COMPANY reserves the right to amend the prices published in this brochure in case of fuel costs, special/high season charge levied by the suppliers, hike in the airline/rail charges before the date of departure and to surcharge accordingly. The Client must pay for all such increases in price in full before the departure.
  • If no suit/action is brought against THE COMPANY within 7 days of the last day of the tour, THE COMPANY shall be discharged from all liabilities under/or arising out of this contract and the client shall be deemed to have relinquished/abandoned all his rights under or arising from this contract.
  • In case of publication of any travel scheme offering any discount or benefit by THE COMPANY, we shall have the sole right to withdraw such a scheme or discount at any time unless a specific assurance of the contrary is published.